The workhorse function Srho.func
and its Fortran engine have been rewritten as to allow generic non-diagonal bandwidth selectors. Also, the Fortran code has been vectorized and now the hcubature
routine can take advantage from this. The routines for computing the bivariate bandwidths have been amended as to output a matrix. The old routines are still in the source code but not exported and they will be removed in a future release. A new option bdiag
has been added to Srho.ts
and related files. If bdiag=FALSE
, then the bandwitdh matrix is unstructured.
Fixed two bugs in the Fortran routine Srhosum
The help files of the parallel routines have been merged with that of the non-parallel ones and improved.
Minor fixes to the show method of Srho-class
Bug fix: in Srho.test
the slot @call
now contains the correct call.
In surrogate.AR
and surrogate.ARs
is set to NULL
, which is the default in stats::ar
Added the horizontal line at 0 in the plot of Srho-class
consistently with that of Srho.test-class
In surrogate.SA
changed the default value eps.SA to 0.05.
Changed the links to the papers as to use doi instead of url.
The integration routine name adaptIntegrate
has been changed to its alias hcubature
to comply with the change in the cubature
The documentation has been amended accordingly.
The ellipsis has been added to all the Srho
-related routined as to allow passing additional arguments, typically to the hcubature
Incidentally, the option maxpts that was passed to maxEval has been removed.
Fixed a buglet in Srho.ts.uni
The Fortran code has been made cleaner and more portable by setting the machine-independent precision REAL64 through the module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV.
The permutation/bootstrap versions of the test for discrete data and the surrogate.SA
routine now call the R API C routines for random
number generation. The results are now fully reproducible by setting set.seed
Fixed lag.max
in the documentation.
Fixed a buglet in plot methods for S4 classes Srho
and Srho.test
: the switch 'main' was ignored.
Adjusted margins in plot method for S4 class Srho.test
has been replaced with nwork
throughout the package.
Added bandwidth selection methods to Srho.ts
from package ks
: least square cross validation (lscv), smoothed cross validation (scv),
plugin (pi). The documentation of Srho.ts
has been updated accordingly.
In Srho.ts.uni
and Srho.ts.biv
the bandwidths of the marginal densities are computed only once (this assumes stationarity).
Added Srho.test.ts.p
, the parallel version of Srho.test.ts
Added the url of the Biometrika paper to the docs that had not been updated.
Added the reference to the Biometrika paper in CITATION.
Minor fixes to the documentation.
All the native routines have been registered.
First CRAN version. Made the package compliant with the latest CRAN policy.
Added the url of the Biometrika paper to the docs.
Moved the package parallel from Suggests to Imports.
Changelog converted to markdown
Minor cosmetic changes to documentation files.
Added the switch "nor" to Srho
, Srho.test
and related internal routines. This allows the choice over the normalization for Srho in the
case of integer/categorical time series. Added a relevant example to the help page of Srho
. The information has been inserted in the show
method of Srho
as a note.
The Fortran subroutines SS* for computing Srho for integer/categorical time series have been modified as to use a unique workhorse function SRHOBIVA.
Fortran subroutines SS,SS2,SSB have been renamed SSUNI,SSUNI2,SSUNIB for consistency.
Simplified the routines Srho.test.uni
and Srho.test.biv
as to use directly the switch "stationary" to call the associated Fortran
Minor improvements to the docs of Srho
and Srho.test
Reverted to the native Fortran dnorm for performance reasons
The Fortran subroutines have been reorganized in a module, many interfaces have been removed.
Minor modifications to Srho.test.ts.Rd
The Fortran subroutines have been cleaned for portability and to remove some obsolescent constructs.
The Fortran routines now use the C function dnorm from the R API through a C wrapper.
Updated the references in the documentation files.
Modified the f90 function MEVA (variance) for floating point precision accuracy.
Parameter eps becomes tol for consistency with adaptIntegrate
of package cubature. Docs amended accordingly.
Paramter maxpts is passed to maxEval in adaptIntegrate
, defaults to 0 (unlimited). Docs amended accordingly.
Paramter minpts is suppressed. Docs amended accordingly.
Rewritten the parallel routines (Srho.test.AR.p
, Trho.test.AR.p
, Trho.test.SA.p
) as to use the package parallel. The package no longer
depends upon Rmpi and should work out of the box across platforms (including Windoze).
Set B = 100 in most tests.
Added a CITATION file.
Truncated the lines of several Rd files as to avoid line truncation and notes from --as-cran.
Fixed a bug where the parallel tests did not return the significant lags.
Moved the initial checks of Srho.uni.*
, Srho.biv.*
at the level of Srho
, those of Srho.test.uni
, Srho.test.biv.*
at the level of
, those of Srho.ts.uni
, Srho.ts.biv.*
at the level of Srho.ts
has been renamed Srho.test.ts
for consistency.
Fixed p-values names in Srho.test.ts
Added further examples in Srho.test.ts.Rd.
Built under R 3.0.2
Built under R 3.0.1
Modified files NAMESPACE and DESCRIPTION and the parallel routines to make the package compliant to the latest import/depends directives as specified in the manual.
Cleaned, updated and improved almost all the help files.
and surrogate.ARs
.Added the computation of the bootstrap p-value for all the tests.
Corrected a buglet on names that caused a warning on all the tests.
Added the computation of the bootstrap p-value for Srho.test
. Added a p.value slot to the class Srho.test
Commented out line 132 of the f90 code (reset of the random seed) as it caused problems.
Modified the code of the examples in Srho
and Srho.test
Added documentation for Srho.test.AR
and Srho.test.AR.p
and Srho.test.AR.p
that have been modified as to use also the smoothed sieve which is the default.Modified the routine Srho
for integer/categorical data. Now Srho
is normalized on the interval [0, 1], the maximum possible value is
computed analytically and taken as a benchmark. This makes the results of Srho
comparable among different series.
Minor improvements of the Fortran routines SRHOBIVA and SS2.
Fixed some inconsistencies on setMethod("plot") and improved setMethod("show").
Built under R 2.14.0 with rtools 2.14.
Fixed some ylab inconsistencies in Trho.test*
Set na.action=na.pass in acf based estimation of Srho (Srho.cor).
Added Surrogate.ARs
, the smoothed sieve bootstrap.
Added references in Surrogate.ARs.Rd and Surrogate.AR.Rd.
Added the option smoothed to Trho.test.AR*
. Modified the documentation accordingly.
removed Srho.test.SA
, Srho.test.AR
, Srho.test.SA.p
added Trho.test.SA.p
, Trho.test.AR.p
with documentation.
added documentation for Trho.test.SA
, Trho.test.AR
added safe.Trho in the computation of Trho.test.SA
, Trho.test.AR
fixed bug on setMethod("plot"): it was not possible to set lwd.
substituted the integration routine adapt
with adaptIntegrate
from package "cubature".
changed the names Srho.test.**2
in Trho.test.**
to comply with the notation of the paper.
added Srho.test.SA2 (Experimental).
fixed NAMESPACE for "previous import show" warning.
inserted the missing test type in Srho.test.biv.
fixed several non utf8 characters in Rd files.
added Srho.test.AR2 (Experimental).
set writeout = 200 in safe.Srho.
fixed and reworked Srho.test.iid
and its documentation; included the mbb option into the routine.
Rmpi now in the Suggests list (was in the Depends one).
added Srho.test.iid
improved and cleaned the documentation.
modified safe.Srho to deal with the bivariate case.